The Moment of Change

Feb 13, 2019

#Change is the motto and maybe the definition of the Linelife. Especially when your Lineman is a contractor. That is all your life is most of the time. Always worrying about the next change that is coming. Storm season seems to come and go quicker each year.

Fear is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases. Fear can hold you back, paralyze you, and even make you ill. What is the benefit of allowing that fear to hold you back and not taking the steps to move towards what you want in life?

Take moving to a new city away from family, friends, mom groups and so on. What can you do to look at your situation differently? Maybe look for nature trails? Volunteer at a local school or nursing home. Your time doesn’t always have to remain idle.

Almost ten years ago I read a book called the Aladdin factor (link at the bottom). I was coming out of a messy complicated relationship and was staring at many paths to take in life. After reading the book I made several simple changes. I stopped putting trash into my head (Gossip news, news, certain music…. you get the point), stopped eating poorly and started focusing on how to better myself. I read books, I exercised and completely changed the type of people I surrounded myself with.

In doing all this my life started to change and I didn’t even notice it. I got a better job where I was SO much happier, I made new friends, and even met my Lineman. Obviously, this all didn’t happen overnight… more like over a year. I wrote my goals down and started doing more of what makes me and my soul happy.  Was I scared? Not so much. Some how a part of me knew I was taking the right steps and heading into the right direction.

Fast forward almost ten years to present day. I am working on a speaking project and I have found my journal that I started so long ago. Believe it or not, 50 out of 101 goals/wishes I jotted down came to pass. Ten of these were REALLY FAR fetched back then. I mean, I just thought getting dive certified, driving a $500k car (for a short few moments.. but hey it counts!), meeting the man of my dreams and living in a home where you can see the ocean out of one window and a lake through the other were nowhere near my grasp. But I wanted them. They were amongst many of my crazy goals I wrote. I cannot describe the feeling of joy, thankfulness, accomplishment and immense gratitude I felt reading this.

All of these were not obtainable unless I made a choice to change. I think one of the wise ones once said; nothing is constant but change. Your attitude determines the rest. So, when its bad times, know that they don’t last forever. Also, when it is good times, cherish those moments and savor the memories. Life is a roller coaster of events and emotions. Don’t’ let F.E.A.R (False Evidence Appearing Real) drive your roller coaster.

I will leave you with one of the last lines I wrote in my journal:

Regrets are the tears of choices not made and of good decisions left undone. He (or she) who spends their time regretting the past, loses the present and risks the future.

Find the joy in every moment. Live life full of love.

You are a beautiful, strong, amazing woman. DON”T EVER FORGET THAT!


Aladdin Factor:

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